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Mental Health First Aid Course

    August 29, 2024

    Course Instructor: Rebekah Yancey, Certified Instructor for Mental Health First Aid

    The 7.5 adult Mental Health First Aid course focuses on recognizing the patterns of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and appearance that show there might be a mental health challenge. Learners are taught an action plan that they apply to non-crisis and crisis situations. By the end of the course, learners will Describe the purpose of Mental Health First Aid and the role of the Mental Health First Aider.

     – Identify the impact of mental health and substance use challenges on the well-being of American adults.

    – Explain that recovery from a mental health or substance use challenge is possible.

    – Describe the principles of safety and privacy for both the Mental Health First Aider and the person receiving first aid.

    – Explain the 5 steps of the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan (ALGEE).

    – Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges that may impact adults.

    – Evaluate the impact of early intervention on mental health and substance use challenges.

     – Apply the appropriate steps of the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan (ALGEE) to a non-crisis scenario where a person shows early signs of mental health or substance use challenge.

    – Apply the appropriate steps of the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan (ALGEE) to a crisis scenario where a person shows worsening signs of a mental health or substance use challenge.

    – Apply the appropriate steps of the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan (ALGEE) to a crisis scenario where a person shows signs of a mental health of substance use crisis.

    – Choose appropriate methods for self-care following the application of Mental Health First Aid in a crisis or non-crisis situation.